Peringkat | Negara | GDP (dalam miliar USD) | — | Gross world product | 48,144,466 | — | Uni Eropa | 14,527,140 | 1 | Amerika Serikat | 13,244,550 | 2 | Jepang | 4,367,459 | 3 | Jerman | 2,897,032 | 4 | Tiongkok | 2,630,113 2 | 5 | Inggris | 2,373,685 | 6 | Perancis | 2,231,631 | 7 | Italia | 1,852,585 | 8 | Kanada | 1,269,096 | 9 | Spanyol | 1,225,750 | 10 | Brazil | 1,067,706 | 11 | Rusia | 979,048 | 12 | Korea Selatan | 888,267 | 13 | India | 886,867 | 14 | Mexico | 840,012 | 15 | Australia | 754,816 1 | 16 | Belanda | 663,119 | 17 | Belgia | 393,590 1 | 18 | Turki | 392,424 | 19 | Swedia | 385,293 1 | 20 | Swiss | 377,240 | 21 | Indonesia | 364,239 | 22 | Taiwan | 355,708 | 23 | Arab Saudi | 348,604 1 | 24 | Polandia | 338,689 1 | 25 | Norwegia | 335,281 | 26 | Austria | 321,934 | 27 | Yunani | 307,709 | 28 | Denmark | 276,611 | 29 | Afrika Selatan | 255,155 | 30 | Irlandia | 222,080 | 31 | Iran | 212,492 1 | 32 | Argentina | 212,702 1 | 33 | Finlandia | 210,837 1 | 34 | Thailand | 206,258 | 35 | Portugal | 194,989 | 36 | Hong Kong, Tiongkok | 189,538 | 37 | Venezuela | 181,608 1 | 38 | United Arab Emirates | 168,263 | 39 | Malaysia | 150,923 | 40 | Chili | 145,205 | 41 | Republik Ceko | 141,801 | 42 | Israel | 140,195 | 43 | Kolombia | 135,075 | 44 | Singapura | 132,155 | 45 | Pakistan | 128,996 1 | 46 | Romania | 121,901 | 47 | Philipina | 116,931 | 48 | Nigeria | 115,350 1 | 49 | Aljazair | 114,322 1 | 50 | Hungaria | 114,273 1 | 51 | Mesir | 107,375 1 | 52 | Ukraina | 106,072 | 53 | Selandia Baru | 103,380 | 54 | Kuwait | 96,132 1 | 55 | Peru | 93,268 | 56 | Kazakhstan | 77,237 | 57 | Bangladesh | 65,216 | 58 | Vietnam | 60,995 | 59 | Maroko | 57,407 | 60 | Slovakia | 54,969 | 61 | Qatar | 52,722 | 62 | Libya | 50,330 1 | 63 | Angola | 43,759 1 | 64 | Kroasia | 42,456 | 65 | Luxembourg | 40,577 | 66 | Ekuador | 40,447 | 67 | Sudan | 37,564 1 | 68 | Slovenia | 37,340 | 69 | Belarus | 36,944 | 70 | Oman | 35,992 1 | 71 | Guatemala | 35,304 | 72 | Republik Dominika | 31,600 1 | 73 | Serbia | 31,589 1 | 74 | Suriah | 31,505 1 | 75 | Tunisia | 30,620 1 | 76 | Bulgaria | 30,608 | 77 | Lithuania | 29,784 | 78 | Sri Lanka | 26,794 | 79 | Kenya | 23,1871 | 80 | Lebanon | 22,622 1 | 81 | Turkmenistan | 21,846 1 | 82 | Kosta Rika | 21,384 | 83 | Trinidad and Tobago | 19,935 1 | 84 | Azerbaijan | 19,817 | 85 | Latvia | 19,621 1 | 86 | Uruguay | 19,221 | 87 | Yaman | 18,700 | 88 | Kamerun | 18,372 1 | 89 | El Salvador | 18,341 | 90 | Siprus | 18,235 | 91 | Pantai Gading | 17,339 | 92 | Panama | 17,113 1 | 93 | Islandia | 16,579 | 94 | Estonia | 16,410 | 95 | Uzbekistan | 16,088 | 96 | Bahrain | 16,065 1 | 97 | Yordania | 14,318 | 98 | Ethiopia | 13,315 1 | 99 | Myanmar | 13,002 1 | 100 | Ghana | 12,894 1 | 101 | Tanzania | 12,787 | 102 | Brunei Darussalam | 11,438 | 103 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 11,396 | 104 | Zambia | 10,942 1 | 105 | Bolivia | 10,828 | 106 | Botswana | 10,808 1 | 107 | Jamaika | 10,565 | 108 | Uganda | 9,443 | 109 | Senegal | 9,242 1 | 110 | Guinea Khatulistiwa | 9,135 1 | 111 | Albania | 9,133 1 | 112 | Gabon | 9,124 1 | 113 | Honduras | 8,981 | 114 | Paraguay | 8,773 | 115 | Republik Demokrasi Kongo | 8,543 | 116 | Afganistan | 8,399 1 | 117 | Nepal | 7,994 | 118 | Georgia | 7,830 | 119 | Republik Kongo | 7,399 | 120 | Mozambik | 7,296 1 | 121 | Kamboja | 7,096 1 | 122 | Chad | 6,547 1 | 123 | Armenia | 6,410 | 124 | Mauritius | 6,402 | 125 | Namibia | 6,316 1 | 126 | Republik Makedonia | 6,248 | 127 | Bahamas, The | 6,223 1 | 128 | Mali | 6,191 | 129 | Malta | 6,085 | 130 | Burkina Faso | 6,055 1 | 131 | Zimbabwe | 5,540 1 | 132 | Madagaskar | 5,489 | 133 | Nikaragua | 5,369 1 | 134 | Benin | 4,760 1 | 135 | Haiti | 4,473 1 | 136 | Papua Nugini | 4,338 1 | 137 | Niger | 3,550 1 | 138 | Laos | 3,437 1 | 139 | Barbados | 3,386 1 | 140 | Guinea | 3,317 1 | 141 | Moldova | 3,242 | 142 | Antillen Belanda | 3,204 1 | 143 | Fiji | 2,977 1 | 144 | Kirgistan | 2,822 | 145 | Tajikistan | 2,811 | 146 | Mongolia | 2,803 1 | 147 | Mauritania | 2,663 | 148 | Swaziland | 2,637 1 | 149 | Rwanda | 2,397 1 | 150 | Malawi | 2,238 | 151 | Togo | 2,210 | 152 | Suriname | 2,112 1 | 153 | Lesotho | 1,634 1 | 154 | Tanjung Verde | 1,150 1 | 155 | Republik Afrika Tengah | 1,488 1 | 156 | Sierra Leone | 1,419 1 | 157 | Belize | 1,213 1 | 158 | Eritrea | 1,160 1 | 159 | Maladewa | 988 | 160 | Bhutan | 983 1 | 161 | Antigua dan Barbuda | 962 | 162 | St. Lucia | 933 | 163 | Burundi | 908 1 | 164 | Guyana | 870 1 | 165 | Djibouti | 768 1 | 166 | Seychelles | 749 1 | 167 | Liberia | 622 | 168 | Grenada | 529 1 | 169 | Gambia | 507 1 | 170 | St. Kitts and Nevis | 487 1 | 171 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 466 1 | 172 | Kepulauan Komoro | 402 | 173 | Vanuatu | 387 1 | 174 | Samoa | 365 | 175 | Timor-Leste | 356 1 | 176 | Kepulauan Solomon | 321 | 177 | Guinea-Bissau | 305 1 | 178 | Dominika | 300 1 | 179 | Tonga | 224 | 180 | São Tomé and Príncipe | 79 1 | 181 | Kiribati | 60 1 | | Rank | Country | GDP (millions of USD) | — | Gross world product | 44,384,871 | 1 | Amerika Serikat | 12,455,068 | 2 | Jepang | 4,533,965 | 3 | Jerman | 2,794,926 | 4 | Tiongkok | 2,234,297 | 5 | Britania Raya | 2,198,789 | 6 | Prancis | 2,126,630 a | 7 | Italia | 1,762,519 | 8 | Spanyol | 1,124,640 | 9 | Kanada | 1,113,810 | 10 | India | 805,714 | 11 | Brazil | 796,055 | 12 | Korea Selatan | 787,624 | 13 | Meksiko | 768,438 | 14 | Rusia | 763,720 | 15 | Australia | 700,672 | 16 | Belanda | 594,755 | 17 | Swiss | 365,937 | 18 | Belgia | 364,735 | 19 | Turki | 363,300 | 20 | Swedia | 354,115 | 21 | Arab Saudi | 309,778 | 22 | Austria | 304,527 | 23 | Polandia | 299,151 | 24 | Indonesia | 287,217 | 25 | Norwegia | 283,920 | 26 | Denmark | 254,401 | 27 | Afrika Selatan | 240,152 | 28 | Yunani | 213,698 | 29 | Irlandia | 196,388 | 30 | Iran | 196,343 | 31 | Finlandia | 193,176 | 32 | Argentina | 183,309 | 33 | Hong Kong, Tiongkok | 177,722 | 34 | Thailand | 176,602 | 35 | Portugal | 173,085 | 36 | Venezuela | 138,857 | 37 | Malaysia | 130,143 | 38 | Israel | 123,434 | 39 | Ceko | 122,345 | 40 | Kolombia | 122,309 | 41 | Singapura | 116,764 | 42 | Chili | 115,248 | 43 | Pakistan | 110,732 | 44 | Hungaria | 109,154 | 45 | Selandia Baru | 109,041 | 46 | Uni Emirat Arab | 104,204 | 47 | Aljazair | 102,257 | 48 | Nigeria | 98,951 | 49 | Romania | 98,559 | 50 | Filipina | 98,306 | 51 | Mesir | 89,336 | 52 | Ukraina | 81,664 | 53 | Peru | 78,431 | 54 | Kuwait | 74,658 | 55 | Bangladesh | 59,958 | 56 | Kazakhstan | 56,088 | 57 | Vietnam | 52,408 | 58 | Maroko | 51,745 | 59 | Slovakia | 46,412 | 60 | Libya | 38,756 | 61 | Kroatia | 37,412 | 62 | Ekuador | 36,244 | 63 | Slovenia | 34,030 | 64 | Luksemburg | 33,779 | 65 | Guatemala | 31,683 | 66 | Belarus | 29,566 | 67 | Tunisia | 28,683 | 68 | Qatar | 28,451 | 69 | Dominican Republic | 28,303 | 70 | Angola | 28,038 | 71 | Sudan | 27,699 | 72 | Serbia and Montenegro | 27,059 b | 73 | Bulgaria | 26,648 | 74 | Syrian Arab Republic | 26,320 | 75 | Lithuania | 25,495 | 76 | Oman | 24,284 | 77 | Sri Lanka | 23,479 | 78 | Lebanon | 22,210 | 79 | Costa Rica | 19,432 | 80 | Kenya | 17,977 | 81 | Cameroon | 16,985 | 82 | El Salvador | 16,974 | 83 | Uruguay | 16,792 | 84 | Côte d'Ivoire | 16,055 | 85 | Latvia | 15,771 | 86 | Panama | 15,467 | 87 | Cyprus | 15,418 | 88 | Iceland | 15,036 | 89 | Trinidad and Tobago | 14,762 | 90 | Yemen | 14,452 | 91 | Uzbekistan | 13,667 | 92 | Estonia | 13,107 | 93 | Bahrain | 12,995 | 94 | Jordan | 12,861 | 95 | Iraq | 12,602 | 96 | Azerbaijan | 12,561 | 97 | Tanzania | 12,111 c | 98 | Ethiopia | 11,174 | 99 | Ghana | 10,695 | 100 | Jamaica | 9,696 | 101 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 9,369 | 102 | Botswana | 9,350 | 103 | Bolivia | 9,334 | 104 | Uganda | 8,712 | 105 | Albania | 8,379 | 106 | Senegal | 8,318 | 107 | Paraguay | 8,152 | 108 | Gabon | 8,055 | 109 | Honduras | 7,976 | 110 | Nepal | 7,346 | 111 | Zambia | 7,257 | 112 | Afganistan | 7,168 | 113 | Democratic Republic of Congo | 6,974 | 114 | Turkmenistan | 6,774 | 115 | Mozambique | 6,630 | 116 | Mauritius | 6,447 | 117 | Georgia | 6,395 | 118 | Namibia | 6,126 | 119 | Republic of Macedonia | 5,762 | 120 | Malta | 5,570 | 121 | Bahamas, The | 5,502 | 122 | Chad | 5,469 | 123 | Cambodia | 5,391 | 124 | Burkina Faso | 5,171 | 125 | Mali | 5,098 | 126 | Republic of Congo | 5,091 | 127 | Madagascar | 5,040 | 128 | Nicaragua | 4,911 | 129 | Armenia | 4,903 | 130 | Papua New Guinea | 4,731 | 131 | Benin | 4,287 | 132 | Haiti | 4,245 | 133 | West Bank and Gaza | 3,454 | 134 | Niger | 3,405 | 135 | Zimbabwe | 3,364 | 136 | Equatorial Guinea | 3,231 | 137 | Barbados | 2,976 | 138 | Moldova | 2,906 d | 139 | Laos | 2,855 | 140 | Fiji | 2,810 | 141 | Swaziland | 2,731 | 142 | Guinea | 2,689 | 143 | Kyrgyz Republic | 2,441 | 144 | Tajikistan | 2,326 | 145 | Isle of Man | 2,265 | 146 | Togo | 2,203 | 147 | Rwanda | 2,131 | 148 | Malawi | 2,072 | 149 | Mauritania | 1,888 | 150 | Mongolia | 1,880 | 151 | Lesotho | 1,453 | 152 | Republik Afrika Tengah | 1,369 | 153 | Suriname | 1,342 | 154 | Sierra Leone | 1,193 | 155 | Belize | 1,105 | 156 | Cape Verde | 1,024 | 157 | Eritrea | 986 | 158 | Antigua dan Barbuda | 905 | 159 | Bhutan | 840 | 160 | St. Lucia | 825 | 161 | Maldives | 817 | 162 | Burundi | 800 | 163 | Guyana | 783 | 164 | Djibouti | 702 | 165 | Seychelles | 694 | 166 | Liberia | 548 | 167 | Gambia, The | 461 | 168 | Grenada | 454 | 169 | St. Kitts and Nevis | 453 | 170 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 428 | 171 | Samoa | 399 | 172 | Comoros | 382 | 173 | Timor-Leste | 349 | 174 | Vanuatu | 341 | 175 | Guinea-Bissau | 301 | 176 | Solomon Islands | 286 | 177 | Dominica | 279 | 178 | Tonga | 244 | 179 | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | 232 | 180 | Palau | 145 | 181 | Marshall Islands | 144 | 182 | Kiribati | 76 | 183 | São Tomé and Príncipe | 57 | |
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